The Year 2008 seemed to be very wet and certain areas in the rural areas have experienced floods. The Chinese New Year which falls on 7th February 2008 celebrated the year of the rat with loud bangs of fire crackers throughout the 15 days although the government had banned the sale of fire crackers. Chinese being Chinese find no meaning if there are no fire crackers to celebrate their Chinese New Year and God knows where the supply comes from. No question asked. If you want them, you pay and you will get your supply.
The month of March was an exciting month for all Malaysians for the exciting election and a drastic change in the new Cabinet with more opposition parties winning in certain parts of Malaysia.
However, we are still very lucky that we do not have any riots in our country.
The month of March marks the beginning of SOSWE in launching of the First Publication , HORNBILL FLAVOURS lst Series - To Know Sarawak is to Love Sarawak by YB Peter Chin Fah Kui on 5th March 2008.
Our thanks and appreciation goes to Cheryl Sim for designing the cover of the book on such a short notice.
We hope to have more writers joining us to have their works published through the HORNBILL FLAVOURS. The coming series will be categorized in different topics focusing on certain topics like historical sites , legends or stories and we also plan to have one series for the JUNIOR SECTION.
Recently we held a Writing Session on 8th of March 2008 at the Gymkhana Club for SOSWE members and friends to come together to sit down and write.
This year, we welcomed Ms Helena Henry who joined us and will be an inspiration to the younger group. She has beauty too.
In this quarter writers shared their experience in different perceptions of their life style.
LOCAL INTEREST - Chinese New Year Now and Then - By Jennie Soh
LOCAL SHARING - My Spicy Memory - By Helena Henry
MEMBER’S SHARING - The Hidden Agony of Ecstasy - By Dr. Loh Yunn Hua
SENIOR SECTION - A Walk of Life - By Nathaniel Lau (13)
JUNIOR SECTION - L-O-S-T By Lim Paulin (11)
We welcome anybody who is interested to join us, please visit our website at www.soswe.org and download its application form. The entrance fee is RM 50 and annual fee is only RM 60. There are some children who are interested to join us, they have to join through their parents because our SOSWE’s constitution requires the entry age to be 18 years and above.
We would also like to thank Dave Clucas for helping us with the website. Due to his heavy schedule, he is not able to continue to update 2008 articles. But thanks to the fantastic IT’s technology, we are still able to use the BLOG which is easier and accessible to interested individuals.
Please visit our site at :- http://soswe.blogspot.com
Lastly, we wished everyone CHINESE NEW YEAR 2008 and have a nice new year in the year of the RAT.
Getting ready for the countdown is globally celebrated.
“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
- George Eliot -
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